
New pieces by Adolphe Binder and Jonathan Fredrickson

Premiere 24.05.2025

  • First performance
  • approx. 2 hours
  • Interesting for people aged 12+

New skin for an old ceremony

Release what you love. When it comes back, it's yours. This double bill by Adolphe Binder and Jonathan Fredrickson is dedicated to concepts of love, freedom and pleasure. There is a crack in everything. Seeing beauty in the simplicity and imperfection of things and appreciating transience: This is what the Japanese word Kintsugi stands for. With dance, ballet, performances and the fusion of art, movement and voice, the 24/25 season closes and opens up a new way of thinking about love that moves from the cultural to the intimate.

In this open format, you will get to know the choreographers and artists of Ballett Basel through lecture performances, art talks and moving presentations. Gain a more comprehensive understanding of their movement practice through insights into the artists' way of thinking and working.

  • Adolphe Binder and Jonathan Fredrickson, 12 November 2024
  • Kleine Bühne
  • In English and German

  • Ballett Basel

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