In April 2023, Theater Basel decided to develop a sustainability strategy to reduce CO2 emissions in all main areas.
As the official cultural partner of Theater Basel, BLKB has also always been committed to sustainable development for people, society and the environment in the region through appropriate measures.

Both parties have agreed to work even more closely together on the topic of sustainability, to utilise synergies and to develop and support joint measures.

Find out more about the efforts of both parties on the subject of sustainability here:



Theater Basel and BLKB have enjoyed a successful and trusting partnership for many years. Last year, this was extended for a further four years until 2027.

While the partnership is already being 'lived' constructively and innovatively in many areas, the parties have set themselves the goal of working even more closely together on the topic of sustainability. The main aim here is to exchange experiences, utilise synergies and implement and support joint measures and projects.

Both Theater Basel and BLKB are aware of their responsibility as renowned institutions in the region. In this context, responsibility means paying even greater attention to the issue of sustainability through strategically anchored and consistently implemented activities and measures. After all, sustainability means always thinking about 'tomorrow' and leaving behind an environment worth living in for future generations.

To this end, Theater Basel and BLKB have agreed to document a 'proof of concept' and support a concrete sustainability project in the region.

Theater Basel is working to reduceCO2 emissions in its key areas of discourse, resources and mobility in the coming years. The transition to low-emission mobility has the greatest potential for reduction. For this reason, the theatre is currently developing concrete measures to continuously reduce emissions in this area.

In cooperation with BLKB, a portion of the remaining emissions in the area of mobility are offset annually through a climate protection project run by the Frenkentäler Forstbetriebe. Furthermore, by supporting a 'nature project' in the municipality of Langenbruck, biodiversity and the protection and enhancement of species diversity are explicitly promoted. In this way, both parties are making a holistic and comprehensive contribution to the protection of nature and the habitat in our region.

This project approach is symbolised by the installation above the main entrance in the foyer of Theater Basel, which depicts the development of the project and the associated biodiversity.

The project

A holistic contribution to the protection of climate and nature increasingly includes the targeted promotion of biodiversity and thus the protection of species in addition toCO2 compensation through forest afforestation. This is always based on the preservation of specific living conditions in a particular region. To this end, selectively protected habitats are created for endangered species. These so-called stepping stone biotopes provide a home for plants and animals, make it easier for them to spread out into the surrounding area and thus promote biodiversity in the region.

There are numerous such stepping stone biotopes in the Upper Basel region, some of which are located in the Frenkentäler forestry operations area. The special-purpose association was founded in 2021 from the Hohwacht and Oberer Hauenstein forest districts. The tasks of the operation include not only timber production, but also protection against natural hazards and ensuring local recreation, clean drinking water and pure air. From two locations, the forestry company protects, maintains and manages forests in 11 municipalities.
The more than 300 hectares of nature conservation area in the Frenkentäler forest district also includes the 'Paradiesli' landscape chamber in Langenbruck. This extends over 6.5 hectares across the last foothills of the Jura mountain range and is home to varied mixed forests as well as near-natural pasture areas, occasionally interspersed with individual bushes, shrubs and single trees.

Lageplan "Paradiesli"
Plan 'Paradiesli'

Such flowing transitional areas between forest and open land are home to a large number of animal and plant species that have come under severe pressure in recent decades. Due to intensified cultivation and decreasing grazing, light-coloured forests have become rare today. If there are too many large trees in a forest, hardly any shrubs and herbs can grow in their shade and roe deer, various reptile and bird species as well as small mammals lack food and suitable hiding places. Endangered light-loving animal and plant species are therefore absolutely dependent on habitats with light-coloured forest areas and irregular forest edges.

Impressions of 'Paradiesli'

The 'Paradiesli' offers great ecological potential that can be better utilised with targeted enhancement measures. The nature project in Langenbruck therefore aims to promote the ecologically extremely valuable interlinking of forest and pasture. To this end, the forestry operation is reducing the tree population in certain areas, while preserving hardy native trees and valuable groups of shrubs. Additional structures are then created using stones, branches and tree trunks to create an irregularly flowing forest edge. With a mosaic of meadow bays with rare grasses and flowers, light-coloured forest landscapes and valuable individual trees, shrubs and small structures in the pastureland, the project creates a diverse habitat and thus promotes biodiversity in the Upper Basel region. The forestry operation also ensures that light-loving animal and plant species can benefit from these ideal conditions in the long term through consistent aftercare.

Silhouette von Bäumen

Development of 'Paradiesli' - schematic diagram


Diverse mixed forest, striking trees and valuable clearings. When Simon Tschendlik, forest engineer and co-managing director of Forstbetriebe Frenkentäler, and Tabea Haupt, project manager of Aktion Spechte & Co. at ProNatura, went to inspect a nature conservation project on the Rehagweid in Schönthal in spring 2023, they immediately recognised the potential for enhancing the 'Paradiesli'. Due to the similar conditions as in the neighbouring project and the success of the enhancement measures there, the two experts were able to assume that similar interventions would also lead to a marked improvement in the living conditions for a wide variety of animal and plant species in 'Paradiesli'.

As the forest edge in the perimeter grows very densely and statically and thus shields valuable existing clearings, the forestry operation will initially cut back the forest edge in the last quarter of 2024 and provide it with bays of different sizes. To this end, stable groups of trees and valuable shrubs as well as strong, old individual trees will be identified. While softwoods and fruit-bearing shrubs are predominantly retained, unfamiliar and inferior tree individuals are removed from the forest. These are marked so that they can be cleared in the coming winter months. A particular focus in the reduction of the tree population is on an established grass sward in the upper light area of the forest stand. This existing herb layer will show a tendency to spread when the incidence of light increases.

The planned thinning will result in a forest character typical of the site, the enhanced forest edge will be optimally interlocked with the open land as a result of the interventions and will thus offer a structurally rich habitat in future.

However, access to the 'Paradiesli' is currently being avoided. On the one hand, caution is advised due to the poor weather conditions in recent weeks with high rainfall. On the other hand, April to July is the breeding and setting season in the region - so nature is being given the peace and quiet it deserves.

View 'Paradiesli'

Support the project with a donation. Your contribution will flow in full into the 'Paradiesli' nature project and will be earmarked for the development of the site.

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Keyword: Paradiesli


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