Schaller Member of the Board of Directors

Veronica Schaller
© Christian Knörr

Veronica Schaller studied German and history at the University of Basel and graduated with a licentiate. She began her professional career in 1983 as secretary of the 'mitenand' working group, after which she worked for eight years as trade union secretary at the Basel VPOD. In 1992, she was elected to the Basel cantonal government, where she headed the Department of Health for eight years and the Department of Education for one year. After working as Deputy Director at the Federal Office for Refugees and as Rector of the Insel Training Centre, she headed the City of Bern's cultural promotion department for eleven years. Since retiring in 2019, she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Theatergenossenschaft Basel and President of CURAVIVA Basel-Stadt, the umbrella organisation for Basel's retirement homes. Veronica Schaller has been in a long-term partnership and lives in Bern and Basel.