Schall Video

Neutraler Hintergrund
© Christian Knörr

Ute Schall studied Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen. Since then she has been working as an independent filmmaker at the interface between theatre and video. Her career has taken her from the performance group Tschaikusis to the film collective hangover Ltd (including 'Remake', 1st prize at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival) to René Pollesch at the Volksbühne's Prater. There she made films such as 'soylent green ist Menschenfleisch, sagt es allen weiter', the joint films with Christine Gross, 'Ich muss mich künstlerisch gesehen regenerieren' and 'Das traurige Leben der Gloria S.' and her own documentary film 'Arbeit'.
As a video artist and live camerawoman, Ute Schall has a long-standing artistic collaboration with the directors Stefan Pucher and René Pollesch. With Pollesch she created 'I love you but I've chosen Enddramatisierung' at the Volksbühne Berlin, with Pucher 'König Lear' at the Münchner Kammerspiele, 'Die Ärztin' at the Staatsschauspiel Hannover and 'forecast:ödipus' at the Staatsschauspiel Stuttgart. Ute Schall and Hannes Francke have been working together for over 15 years. As director and cameraman, they have realised numerous film projects and regularly work as a video team at the Volksbühne Berlin, the Deutsches Schauspielhaus and the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Münchner Kammerspiele and the Staatsschauspiel Stuttgart.

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