Bauer Stage & costume designer

Neutraler Hintergrund
© Christian Knörr

Eva-Maria Bauer, born in Kempten in 1980, completed her stage design studies at the University of the Arts in London and a further degree in fine arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. She has designed numerous stage and costume sets, including for 'Sicherheitskonferenz' and 'Uncanny Valley', directed by Stefan Kaegi/Rimini Protokoll.
She works closely with Sebastian Nübling. Together they created works such as 'Liliom', 'Orpheus descends' (invited to the 2013 Theatertreffen), 'GRM', 'Die Nacht der von Neil Young Getöteten', 'Wut', 'Tod eines Handlungsreisenden', 'nonstop', 'Camino Real', 'Im Menschen muss alles herrlich sein'. She has also worked with numerous directors including Sahar Rahimi, Felix Rothenhäusler, Raphael Sanchez, Miloš Lolić, and Helgard Haug/Rimini Protokoll - their last work 'All right. Good night.' was invited to the Theatertreffen 2022. She has worked at the Thalia Theatre, Deutsches Theater Berlin, Salzburg Festival, Akademietheater Wien, Maxim Gorki Theatre, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Schauspiel Düsseldor and Staatstheater Hannover, among others. She has already designed the stage and costume sets for 'MILF' and 'Die Perser' (director: Sahar Rahimi) at the Basel Theatre and is responsible for the stage design for the world premiere of 'Kranke Hunde' in the 23/24 season. Eva-Maria Bauer is Professor of Stage Design at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg.

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