Bahlburg Stage & Costume

Neutraler Hintergrund
© Christian Knörr

Dorle Bahlburg studied communication design after a vocational training as a decorator, window dresser and exhibition designer. Since then she has worked as a photographer and set designer in various fields. Her photos have been part of several exhibitions, cover photos and book publications, including Studio Braun, International Pony and DJ Koze. Since 2002 she has worked for numerous productions in cinema, television and advertising as a production designer. Among them for 'Dorfpunks', 'Fraktus' and several times also for the 'Tatort'. As a costume and set designer, she regularly works with Studio Braun and Rocko Schamoni, including at the Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Schauspielhaus Hamburg and the Schauspielhaus Zurich.

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