Uhe Composer

Neutraler Hintergrund
© Christian Knörr

Christopher Uhe is a musician, composer and producer. After the debut album of his band Speed Niggs was named record of the month by Diedrich Diedrichsen in Spex magazine in 1989, Uhe played as a singer, songwriter, guitarist and keyboardist in numerous post-punk bands until the end of the 1990s, released several records and toured throughout Europe for years. From 1999 to 2002, he performed with the noise band Paincake outside of classical music contexts, including 'Cities On The Move 6', Bangkok 1999, Venice Architecture Biennale 2000, 'reich & berühmt', Podewil 2001. Since 2004, Uhe has increasingly worked as a theatre musician; in addition to works with She She Pop (including 'Testament', invited to the Theatertreffen in Berlin, 2010), at HAU Berlin and the Volksbühne Berlin, he has worked closely with Stefan Pucher. Since 2009, they have worked together at numerous theatres, including Thalia Theater Hamburg, Münchner Kammerspiele, Schauspiel Hannover, Volksbühne and Deutsches Theater Berlin, Schauspiel Stuttgart and Schauspielhaus Zürich. After 'Volksfeind' (invited to the 2016 Theatertreffen) and 'Frankenstein', the production 'Sommergäste' is Uhe's third time working on a theatre text by Dietmar Dath and the first time at Theater Basel.

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