Achilles - ein Stück mit Fersen

Resumption 19.10.2024

  • Eine Szene aus ‹Die Ilias / Achilles – ein Stück mit Fersen› 
    © Ingo Hoehn
  • Eine Szene aus ‹Die Ilias / Achilles – ein Stück mit Fersen› 
    © Ingo Hoehn
  • Eine Szene aus ‹Die Ilias / Achilles – ein Stück mit Fersen› 
    © Ingo Hoehn
  • Eine Szene aus ‹Die Ilias / Achilles – ein Stück mit Fersen› 
    © Ingo Hoehn
  • Eine Szene aus ‹Die Ilias / Achilles – ein Stück mit Fersen›
    © Ingo Hoehn

  • 1 hour 35 minutes without a break
  • In a fantasy language, understandable for German-speaking visitors
  • Without surtitles
  • Interesting for people aged 14+

Of demigods and humans

Troy has been destroyed, Achilles has fallen. Thetis, his mother, and Odysseus, his war companion, are left behind. In Beckettian clown style, they try to come to terms with their loss, play, mourn and shirk their responsibilities. A playful confrontation with their own guilt and the absurdity of great conflicts.

For a hundred amusing minutes, the exhilarated crew juggles fresh and cheeky themes from the 'Iliad' as if Monty Python and the Marx Brothers had broken into antiquity - and sometimes Beckett clowns seem to add a pinch of existential despair.

Neue Züricher Zeitung

Digital book table

Together with the dramaturgy department, the Basel Kulturhaus Bider & Tanner has been curating the book table for our plays for many years. The selection of books, CDs, DVDs, catalogues and sheet music is always available in the online shop. It's worth browsing regularly.

Book table


Pohl and Winter now speak a kind of freely invented Dutch, which is perhaps reminiscent of how modern Greeks hear ancient Greek, or maybe it's just very funny. In any case, the language creates a thoughtful distance, in terms of meaning you understand every word, Zeus, the god of thunder, is the 'Donderbrömler' here.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
It's particularly great to watch the two actors play all these roles with such relish in this artistic language (...).
SRF 2 Kultur
Now the stage slang has tipped over into Dutch, with English and German sprinklings. The amazing thing is that you can understand almost everything. (...) For a hundred amusing minutes, the exhilarated crew juggles freshly and cheekily with themes from the 'Iliad', as if Monty Python and the Marx Brothers had broken into antiquity - and sometimes Beckett clowns seem to add a pinch of existential despair.
But who 'made' this Achilles, (...) who is to blame for his death? Pohl and Winter utilise this first part with enormous, infectious, physical playfulness. His incomprehension flows directly into the character's postures, while she remains submerged for a long time.

Further works by Antú Romero Nunes